Sunday, August 31, 2008

Haircare Secrets

Am just going through this article on Bonnie Casey's website on Hair care. She says "everyday women can take control of their own beauty if they have the right information." So, it is true know.

Just check her secrets on Haircare....

No matter what your hair goals, you want your hair to be at it's best. Shiny, bouncy, wavy,healthy hair is a must for all lengths. But if you are trying to grow your hair out and prevent damage, you might need to try a few unconventional methods.

Find the tricks that work for you...

There are so many hair tips it's hard to figure out which ones are best for you. The only way to find out is to try them. Here are some of my favorite tips that you don't see too often. Pick one or two, try them for 2 weeks to a month. Then decide if this is the answer to your most gorgeous hair.

a)Sleep on a satin pillow cases to prevent damage from tossing and turning.
b)If your hair is damaged, use a protein treatment once a week.
c)Switch to a boar bristle brush.
d)Switch from plastic combs to wooden or cellulose acetate. Plastic combs have molded seams on them that damage your hair cuticle.
e)Use distilled water as your final rinse. Tap water leaves mineral deposits on hair that can dull it and damage it.
f)If your hair is very dry, don't shampoo every day.
g)If you have fine, thin hair, stay away from volumizing and thickening shampoos. They dry out your hair.
h)Stay away from hair accessories with metal in them.

No one said having great looking and healthy hair at the same time would be easy. It takes some thought and experimentation. But since having great hair can make or break your look, it is always worth the extra effort.


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